Recycling: How to do it and why it’s important!
Recycling is the process of collecting certain materials that would otherwise be thrown away as rubbish and turning them into something new. When people don’t recycle, that rubbish ends up in landfill or in our oceans when it could have become something new for someone else. Coming to this realisation, it’s important to understand why recycling is so important for our planet! With that in mind, we understand that starting your recycling journey may be quite confusing, what can be recycled? Do I have to wash my rubbish before throwing it? In this blog, we will go through tips to start your recycling journey the right way!
What Are The Benefits Of Recycling?
One of the benefits which we have already mentioned is that the rubbish doesn’t end up in landfill and in our oceans. This also helps to conserve all the natural resources such as water, minerals and timber to name a few. Another benefit includes reducing pollution and greenhouse gases by decreasing the amount of new raw materials needed to make new things.
What Can Be Recycled?
So, you want to start recycling, you understand the benefits but you don’t know what can be recycled. That’s okay, we all start somewhere! There are many things that are 100% recyclable and can be thrown straight in the recycling bin but there are also some things that are not meant for recycling or are only partially recyclable, because of this, we have made a list of what is able to be recycled to help you!
All paper and cardboard are recyclable, this includes things like boxes (including pizza boxes if there are no leftovers in them), phone books, letters and envelopes, newspapers and old books or magazines. There are also some kitchen containers and some food packaging that can be recycled. Some of these include bottles and mason jars that are made from glass, food containers that are made from plastic, all water bottles and soft drink bottles that are made of plastic, all soft drink cans and other aluminium or steel cans and tins, juice bottles or milk cartons and even aerosol cans.
What Is Upcycling?
If you have some old things at home that you no longer need or want you can decide to recycle them by upcycling it! Upcycling is turning your old things into something that you can use for a new purpose. Some ideas could include making gardening pots out of plastic water bottles. All you need to do is cut it down to size and you have yourself a new gardening pot! Another awesome upcycle is making your tin cans into kitchen utensil holders or arts and crafts holders! There is an endless amount of possibilities that can come from upcycling and it reduces the impact on the environment.
Live A More Sustainable Lifestyle
By reducing your impact on the environment by recycling, you are taking one step closer towards a more sustainable lifestyle. Another great step would be to buy smarter by replacing your one-use items with reusable items in your household which creates less waste. If you are searching for more ways to help the environment, you can view our range of eco-friendly products that can help you live a more sustainable lifestyle here or alternatively you can view our FB to get a better vision of what Eco Essentials are about.